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Northeast Iowa Montessori School is a non-profit school and we strive to keep our tuition rates as low as possible.

  • Tuition is based on the child’s age on the day before the first day of school each fall.
  • A $100 per family non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of enrollment. The registration fee is paid at the time of enrollment and then yearly each spring for enrollment in the next academic year.
  • Tuition Discounts:
    • Sibling Discount – A 5% discount is provided for families who have more than one child enrolled in the program. The discount applies to each additional sibling with the lowest tuition in the 3 and 4 year old programs.
    • Pay Full Year Discount – A 5% discount is also offered to families who wish to pay the yearly tuition amount in full before September 1st. You can choose this option for one or all/both of your children.
    • NOTE: Discounts do not apply to After School Program rates.

Current Tuition Rates for the 2025-2026 Academic School Year

  • Age 3
    (Children’s House)
  • Age 4*
    (Children’s House)
  • Ages 5 & 6 (Kindergarten)
    (Children’s House)
  • Ages 6-12
    (Cosmic Explorers – Elementary)
  • Full Day
  • $
  • $
  • $
  • $
  • M-F
    8:15am – 3:00pm
  • After School Care**
  • $
    /day per child
  • $
    /day per child
  • $
    /day per child
  • $
    /day per child
  • M-F
    3:15 – 5:30pm

For your convenience, tuition can be divided into 9 payments as follows:

Children’s House

3 yr old – $790/month  FULL day only
4 yr old* – $490/month
5 & 6 yr old – $870/month

Cosmic Explorers (Elementary Program)

6-12 yr old – $870/month

All program times are 8:15-3:00 pm Monday-Friday.

* Northeast Iowa Montessori is a partner in direct participation with the Iowa Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for 4-year-old Children. Student must turn 4 on or before September 15, 2025.

**After School Care (offered from 3:15-5:30 pm Monday-Friday)

NEIM has the following options available:

Daily rate:
  • $18/day/child for after school care
  • $15/day/child for a month with an agreement to pay for After School care for every school day in that month, regardless of sick days or family vacation day. Agreement for a month needs to be made by the 25th day of the preceding month to receive the discounted rate for that month.

Additional Information

  • Availability is not guaranteed due to staffing constraints.
  • Arrangements/confirmations will be made in August.
  • After School Care will be billed monthly and payments are due the 5th for the previous month (example: September’s bill would be due October 5th).